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AUFLEX2-B - 2' Black Superflex CB Antenna

2', Black
List price: $32.11
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2 Foot Black AUFLEX antenna.

Accessories Unlimited announces their tunable tip flexible CB antennas that won't break the bank! Accessories Unlimited high performance CB radio antennas deliver performance comparable to the Wilson Flex antenna. And now that Wilson has discontinued their shorter length whips these Flex antennas from Accessories Unlimited are available to fill the void.


The AUFLEX antenna is compatible with all CB radio frequencies, including SSB CB frequencies, and NOAA weather and alert bands. The AUFLEX is completely compatible with any CB radio on the market today.


The AUFLEX antenna is available in 2, 3, and 4 foot lengths (AUFLEX2, AUFLEX3, AUFLEX4) in black or white colors.

2 foot = 500 Watts

3 foot = 500 Watts

4 foot = 500 Watts


Springs are an optional accessory CB radio antennas. We recommend one in most cases.That can protect your antenna if you hit a low hanging branch or garage entrance. A medium spring like the SS3M is recommended for 2-3 foot AUFLEX antennas. A heavy spring like the SS3H is recommended for 4 antennas.


We normally recommend an 18 foot coax for use with the AUFLEX antennas. This will help you achieve a lower SWR when tuning the antenna. Always remember to wind any extra coax in a wide figure 8, not a tight coil.

Tune your Antenna

All CB radio antennas need to be tuned. The AUFLEX is no different. An easy to use tunable tip makes the process much simpler, though. We have more information in our guide to tuning your CB antenna.


  • Standard 3/8 x 24 threaded ferrule for industry compatibility with all CB mounts
  • 11 meter, 27 MHz CB radio frequencies
  • N.O.A.A. weather channel reception with capable radio
  • Available in 2, 3, or 4 foot whip lengths (AUFLEX2, AUFLEX3, AUFLEX4)
  • Black or White color
  • Tunable tip for ease of install
  • Fiberglass top load antenna that is extremely flexible
  • 1/4" Flexible fiberglass whip
  • Stainless steel tuning tip
  • Top Loaded ¼ wave helically wound antenna with weather trap
  • 22 Gauge copper wire
  • Chrome plated 3/8-24 ferrule
  • Factory tuned and field adjustable


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