CB Radio Installation & Troubleshooting at CB World
Help Center Sections
Choosing the Right Equipment
Installing Your CB Equipment
Troubleshooting Radio and Antenna Problems
Tips and Additional Information
At CB World, we believe in educating our customers. That's why we offer this Help Center- to assist you in learning about CB communication systems, choosing the right equipment, installing it properly, and troubleshooting your CB system. If you need help with an order or need product information, please don't hesitate to Contact Us.
Are you new to CB radios? Welcome to the CB world! Check out this CB World Help Center Article:
Learning The Basics of a CB System
There are several good reasons to install a CB radio in your home, business, or personal/work vehicle. You can use a CB radio to communicate with friends and family while on the road. CB radios can be used for work purposes. CB radios are useful (and even life-saving) in an emergency. CB radios also give you access to traffic and weather information. And so much more!
There are several factors to consider when choosing your CB radio components. Where do you prefer to mount the radio? Where would you prefer to mount an antenna? What features are important to you? How tall should your CB antenna be? These are just some of the questions that can come up during the process. The advice below will help you with choosing and installing a CB radio and CB antenna.
Getting a CB radio installed and working properly isn't always as easy as buying it and plugging it in. For example, you will also need to tune your external CB antenna- this is very important so be sure to check out our Help Center article on How to Tune a CB Antenna.
Choosing the Right Equipment
CB World's Top Ten Mobile CB Radios
Check out our list of CB radios that we recommend to our customers the most!
Information on the types of radios available and what really matters when making a decision
CB World's Peak & Tune Radio Service
Information on our awesome peak and tune service option for CB Radios
CB Radio Base Station Equipment
Information on base station equipment with recommendations and advice
Handheld Radios
Information on what we consider to be the best handheld CB radios available and the differences between them
Information on choosing an antenna based on location, height, load, and other factors
AM/FM Antennas
Information on improving your current AM/FM antenna set up and product recommendations
Antenna Springs
Information on antenna springs, when to include them, and how to choose the right spring
Information on microphone types, features, and specifications
Coax Cable
Information on selecting the correct coax cable and connectors
For Truckers
Information on radios, antennas, and mounts for your truck
For Pickup Trucks
Information on how to choose a radio, antenna, and mount for your pickup truck
For RVs/Campers
Information on how to choose a radio, antenna, and mount for your RV
For Motorcycles
Learn how to choose the best CB radio, headset, antenna, and mount for your motorcycle
For Jeeps
Learn how to choose the best CB radio, antenna, and mount for your Jeep
For Hummers
Learn about some products that are recommended for the popular Hummer
For Dump Trucks
Learn about some products that are recommended for dump trucks
For FJ Cruisers
Learn about some products that are recommended for FJ Cruisers
Small, Low Profile CB Radios & Antennas
Information on your best options when looking for compact CB radios and low profile antennas
Inexpensive CB Radios & Antennas to Consider
Information on understanding must-have features and less important features when shopping for inexpensive CB radios and antennas, including our specific recommendations
Emergency Communication Equipment
Advice and product recommendations regarding emergency communications. Don't Wait. Stay Safe. Be Prepared!
Community Communication Network - Preparing for an Emergency
Advice and product recommendations for communities who want to have a communications network in case of an emergency or other event. Don't Wait. Stay Safe. Be Prepared!
When to Use (NGP) "No Ground Plane" Equipment
If you try to use standard ground-based CB equipment with a vehicle that needs a "no ground plane" antenna system, you'll experience both high SWR levels and extremely poor performance.
Installing Your CB Equipment
How to Install a CB or Ham Radio
A how to article outlining the process of installing a CB/Ham radio
How to Install a CB/Ham Antenna
A general article covering the basic steps for installing a CB antenna
Two-Way Antenna System Installation Do's and Don'ts
Don't miss this great article covering the do's and don'ts when installing a two-way antenna system
How to Tune an Antenna
A step by step guide for setting the SWR on a CB/Ham Antenna
Troubleshooting Radio and Antenna Problems
Radio Troubleshooting Guide
A general guide for troubleshooting common radio problems. Includes cross-reference chart.
Electrical and Engine Noise
Engine noise/electrical interference can make it extremely hard to hear incoming transmissions and can occasionally get so bad as to render your CB/Ham radio unusable
Troubleshoot a High SWR
A list of items to check when you have a high SWR readings across all channels
What Is SWR?
A detailed description of SWR and why it is important to your CB/ham antenna setup
Testing Continuity
A guide on using a multimeter or test light to check for continuity
Testing Antenna Ground
This guide shows you how to test the electrical ground for your CB/ham antenna
Testing Antenna Coax
This guide describes how to test antenna coax for shorts and continuity
Microphone Wiring
Helps to understand microphone wiring and how microphones can be wired differently
Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions About CB World
A list of frequently asked questions and responses
Frequently Asked Questions About CB Radios
A list of frequently asked CB radio questions and their answers
What is the Range of my CB System?
Are you curious what the range of a CB radio is? This article discusses just that...how to determine CB radio range.
What is FM Mode on a CB Radio?
We cover some of the basics of FM mode - background, benefits, concerns, and FM radios available at CB World.
What is CTCSS/DCS?
This feature is excellent for those who want to have uninterrupted chats on their CB radio. Great for off-roading, construction, pilot cars, and more!
CB Radio Channels & Frequencies
A deeply resourceful guide that offers a list of all CB radio channels, corresponding frequencies, customary uses as well as advice on improving transmission and legality of usage
Radio Features
Radios offer all sorts of various features. Just like cars, some offer more features than others and it is important to know which ones are important to you! This article will tell you about some of the features that you will find available.
Radio Frequencies and Radio Frequency Bands
CB Radios and Ham Radios do not communicate with VHF Radios. Find out why in this useful article!
What is RF Gain and What Does RF Gain Do on a CB Radio?
How to use RF Gain on a radio. How it's used just like squelch and how it can be used to adjust your receiver.
What is CB Antenna Ground Plane?
Defines antenna ground plane
CB Radios in the Modern World
Learn about the many different ways people are using CB radios today
Otter & Goose Comic by CB World
When it comes to radio knowledge and troubleshooting, Otter & Goose can help! Otter is still learning but Goose knows it all. Come have fun learning by reading this new comic from CB World!
Survival Communication for Emergency Preparedness & Preppers
Learn why communication during a catastrophe is quite possibly the most important survival tactic and what your options are with CB and Ham radios
History of CB Handles & Trucker Names Generator
Ever wonder how CB handles and trucker names came about? We give you a little history behind them, as well as provide a fun CB handle name generator (and infographic) to help you come up with your very own.
CB Radio Lingo
A list of 10 codes, Q codes and other CB radio lingo