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095XX - Fuse Tappers

List price: $9.57
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Easily install CB radios, 10 meter radios, and any electronics into your vehicle that requires 12 Volts DC power. Fuse tappers allow the sharing of an existing fuse; you are able to add a fuse protected circuit without having to hardwire direct to the battery.

No spicing or wire cutting is required to install electronic accessories. Also, known as Add-A-Circuit these fuse tappers only require crimp on connection to the power cable of your two-way radio or mobile accessory. Finish the install by plugging in your original fuse and a fuse for the new device and insert the fuse tap into the original vehicle fuse slot.

Fuses are not included with these fuse tappers.

Select the fuse tapper that matches your vehicles fuse type:

  • model #0955x - ACN mini low profile Add-A-Fuse - 16 gauge 10 amp
  • model #0956x-ATM Add-A-Fuse - 16 gauge 10 amp
  • model #0957x- ATC/ATO Add-A-Fuse - 16 gauge 10 amp

Installation is simple: 1) remove the fuse from your vehicle fuse panel that you want to tap into (up to 10 amp circuit), 2) insert original fuse into fuse tapper (slot A closest to connector), 3) insert accessory fuse into additional slot on tapper (slot B in-line with 16 gauge wire), 4) insert fuse tapper into vehicle fuse panel where fuse was previously.

Product Features

  • 16 gauge heavy duty wire with crimp-on ready connector
  • Plug in fuse adapter with dual sockets ⠀ “ holds original panel fuse and fuse for new car electronic
  • APS low profile Add-A-Fuse - #0955x 16 gauge 10 amp
  • ATM Add-A-Fuse - #0956x 16 gauge 10 amp
  • ATC/ATO Add-A-Fuse - #0957x 16 gauge 10 amp
  • Fuses not included

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