This universal reinstall kit from Larsen Antennas allows for proper preparation and installation (or reinstall) of any on-the-glass CB or radio antenna kit. This is useful when a poorly or improperly antenna comes loose.
The Larsen reinstall kit is also a great way to repair an on the glass CB antenna that has withered over time due to weather and ultraviolet light. No need to purchase a complete antenna kit replacement. The economical reinstall kit from Larsen Antennas will breathe new life into older antenna installs
The kit includes alcohol prep pads, double sided adhesive strips, Allen wrenches, and transmission enhancer.
Professional installation is now possible with the Larsen Antennas universal reinstall kit for on glass CB antennas.
Product features
- Universal on glass reinstall kit
- Preparation and adhesion chemicals and tools in a convenient package
- Recommended for Larsen KG series antennas
- Completely compatible with any manufacturers on the glass antenna kit
- Detailed instructions included
Additional Info
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