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BC880FM-T - Uniden Deluxe AM & FM CB Radio with Weather

30 days
In stock
Always Tax Free, Amazing Help Center, Great Customer Service, 5 Star Rating!

Peaked & Tuned by CB World!

Deluxe AM & FM CB radio with large easy to read illuminated control panel with 7 color options to choose from. Features FM for crystal clear close in communicatons, a 6 pin ergonomic noise cancelling pistol grip microphone designed for comfort, 7 NOAA weather channels, dynamic squelch control, mic gain, extra long mic cord, instant Channel 9/19, PA, large digital S/RF/CAL/SWR meter, backlit control knobs/buttons, Local/DX switch, ANL/Noise filters, RF gain control, frequency counter, variable Talk-back, dimmer switch Day/Night, memory scan, antenna/RF/voltage indicators. Includes 6-4 pin microphone adapter. 

Drive with confidence - stay connected with a Uniden Bearcat 880FM CB radio on the open road! Powerful and ruggedly designed the BC880 sports advanced features and settings to suit any CB user.

The Uniden BC880FM is a perfect blend of functionality and style. The BC880FM comes with a wide array of features to keep you in touch and informed. This Bearcat CB radio features a sleek face with 7-color LCD display that will match the interiors of modern and older vehicles alike. The advanced features of the Bearcat 880FM include a large, easy to read display, weather frequencies, built in SWR, channel scan, and much more. Uniden's six-pin noise canceling microphone will keep the audio crisp and clear with less static. Add a wireless microphone for even more functionality with the Bearcat 880FM.

NOAA Weather alerts round out the communication capabilities of the Bearcat 880, helping you to stay informed and prepared for anything!

Uniden BC880FM Features:

  • Peaked & Tuned CB Radio
  • FM Mode capable
  • 40 Channel operation
  • Dynamic squelch control
  • Mic gain HI/LO button
  • RF gain control
  • Frequency Counter
  • Noise canceling mic with extra-long cord
  • Channel indicator
  • Instant channel 9/19
  • PA/CB switch
  • Large digital S/RF/CAL/SWR meter
  • Backlit control knobs/buttons
  • Local/DX
  • ANL/Noise Blanking
  • 7 color display options
  • Easy to read laser etched keys
  • Enhanced graphics
  • Variable talk back
  • Dimmer switch day/night
  • NOAA weather channels
  • Memory Scan
  • Antenna/RF/Voltage indicator
  • Wireless mic compatible
  • Two year warranty
  • This unit has a 2 amp 250V fuse

What's included in the box:

  • BC880FM CB Radio Peaked & Tuned
  • CB microphone
  • 4 - 6 Pin Microphone Adapter
  • Mounting bracket and hardware
  • Power cable (2A250V Fuse)
  • Owner's manual

Installation notes

  • Size: 2.2" H x 7.25" W x 7.5" D (without knobs and jacks)
  • This is a standard sized radio. It will install without difficulty in most vehicles that have some room.
  • The power cord for this radio is detachable for easy routing.
  • This CB radio includes a mounting bracket with two 5mm thumb screws for mounting.
  • Looking for a replacement microphone?  Check out the BMKG0689001.
  • Looking for a power supply?  Check out the PS9.
  • Looking for a replacement mounting bracket?  Check out the CB74.

Calibrate Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) for the BC880:

Check and calibrate the SWR to ensure your antenna system is properly tuned.

1. Connect the antenna.

2. Turn Channel Selector to set the channel to channel 1.

3. Press the S/RF/CAL/SWR button to set to CAL. Press and hold the PTT button and rotate the control knob until the bar meter aligns with CAL.

4. Press the S/RF/CAL/SWR button to set to SWR. Transmit and note the SWR reading.

5. Repeat step 2-4 on channel 40.

6. Your goal is to have the SWR readings on channel 1 and 40 to be about the same number and under 2 (ideally).  If channel 40 SWR is higher than channel 1 SWR, shorten the antenna system.  If channel 40 SWR is lower than channel 1 SWR, lengthen the antenna system until you achieve the best SWR readings. 

If any adjustments are needed, they should be made in small increments. Re-check after each adjustment. Be sure to have all components on the antenna when testing, including the tip/cap if there is one.

If you have already optimized your current antenna setup (similar readings on Channel 1 and 40) and you still want to improve your SWR readings, you can try a different antenna, a different mounting location, or, if you are setting up a dual antenna system, try utilizing only one of the antennas instead of both. Sometimes, you will get better performance from using one antenna instead of two.

Helpful links to our Help Center:

What is SWR?

How to Tune Your Antenna

Troubleshooting High SWR

Additional Info

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