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W500MAG-B - Wilson 500 Magnetic Mount CB Antenna

List price: $110.33
You save: $22.07 (20%)
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CB WORLD - Great Customer Service, High Quality Products, Always Tax Free, Amazing Help Center, 5 Star Rating!

The Wilson W500 series Magnet Mount Antenna is a great CB and 10 meter Amateur radio antenna. For those times when you want a less than permanent two-way radio antenna, a high quality magnet like the Wilson W500 is just the ticket.

The Wilson W500 is Wilson Antennas midpoint offering and is sized between the Little Wil short antenna and Wilson 2000 antennas.

The Wilson W500 is a better performing and very rugged antenna compared to many other manufacturer's magnet mount CB antennas. Wilson designed the W500 specifically for low power loss by suspending the coil in air. This was accomplished thru limiting the number of contact points and setting them 90 degrees apart inside the coil surface. Dielectric loss is kept to a negligible amount through this Wilson design innovation. The Heavy duty coil uses 12 gauge copper wire to limit resistive heat losses.

The high impact Mobay thermoplastic body of the Wilson W500 makes for an extremely strong and durable antenna base.

Wilson antennas offer unbeatable power and performance in their class. Get your Wilson W500 from CB World and experience the power demanded by over the road communication professionals for more than 45 years.

54 inch 17-7 PH stainless steel whip

Mounting bracket
10 ounce Magnet mount mobile antenna base

16 feet RG58 coaxial cable with molded PL259 connector

Product features

  • 2000 Watt power
  • Made with high impact Mobay Thermoplastic
  • 10 ounce Magnet
  • Heavy duty coil uses 12 gauge copper wire
  • Exclusive low loss coil design
  • 54 inch 17-7 PH stainless steel whip
  • Frequency range 26 MHz to 30 MHz
  • 16 feet of processed RG58 coax with PL259
  • Weather Channel Ready
  • 1 Year Wilson Tough Warranty

Additional Info

0.00 in
0.00 in

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